ITS Sustainable Mobility, Mechatronics / Piedmont Aerospace


Piedmont is a land of excellence, also and above all in technological and industrial excellences. In this context our ITS is a system hub: a strategic node where the collaboration between institutions, the working world, the scientific research, and training becomes closer.

ITS Sustainable Mobility Aerospace / Mechatronics Foundation

Born in 2010, Fondazione ITS mobilità sostenibile, meccatronica aerospazio pursues the purpose of promoting the diffusion of technical and scientific culture, and of sustaining the measures for development of economy and active employment policies.

It currently has over 200 partners, direct and indirect, including Universities and Technical Institutes, Innovation Poles, Local Authorities, Training Agencies and Companies.

Which roles

Each partner group has a fundamental role to allow us provide excellence preparation to our students.


    • take part in the analysis of needs
    • contribute to the design of the courses
    • direct the definition of specific ‘curves’
    • take part in the selection and final exam committees
    • experiment with technologies in our laboratories
    • work with students in a structured method that’s coherent with the course of study.
    • participate to guidance focus dedicated to young people, to schools, to families, and to institutions
    • provide their technicians as trainers so they also train with us (who teaches learns twice!)
    • host the students in internships or High Education Apprenticeships

      Local authorities and innovation hubs

      • promote connections with companies in the territory (pitch&meet).
      • involve us with projects with research centers, universities,..
      • promote the foundation’s activities
      • organize webinars in which our students participate (intelligent systems and advanced manufacturing)
      • create innovation

        Training institutions and universities

        • provide specialist lectures

        • develop shared projects with us which involve thesis students and trainees

        • university/ITS students (e. g. thermal vacuum chamber, Leonardo cabling, satellite testing).

        • share laboratories



        partner of the foundation

        Politecnico Torino è socio fondatore e partner di Fondazione ITS Torino
        Università del Piemonte Orientale è socio fondatore e partner di Fondazione ITS
        Enaip è partner di Fondazione ITS
        Cnosfap è socio fondatore e partner di Fondazione ITS
        Immaginazione e Lavoro è partner di Fondazione ITS Torino
        Assocam e la partnership con Fondazione ITS
        IIS Giulio Natta è partner di ITS Torino
        Il partner Vallauri di Fondazione ITS
        Leonardo Aircfraft è partner di ITS Piemonte
        Mesap è socio fondatore e partner di Fondazione ITS
        Unione Industriale Torino è partner di ITS
        AMMA è partner di Fondazione ITS
        Provincia di Novara è partner di Fondazione ITS
        città metropolitana Torino è partner di ITS

        Transparent foundation


        Download the STATUTE of Fondazione ITS Mobilità sostenibile – Aerospazio/Meccatronica here.

        Fulfillments pursuant to art. 1, subsection 125 of law n. 124/2017

        We communicate that, pursuant to Law n. 124/2017, subsection 125-129 of art. 1, Annual law for market and competition, the Fondazione ITS Mobilità sostenibile – Aerospazio/Meccatronica received, from the Public Administration, for carrying out the training courses financed and activated by the Higher Technical Institute (I.T.S.), the following contributions (per calendar year):

        Fondazione ITS per la Mobilità Sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica of Piedmont is co-financed by the call for proposals POR FSE 2014/2020 Support for the system of professional training to recover after the Coronavirus emergency

        Statutory bodies of the foundation

        The President and all the members of the statutory bodies listed below do not receive any indemnity, remuneration or reimbursement of expenses for their work.

        Board of direction
        • Presidente Serra Stefano – A.M.M.A.
        • Iotti Pierpaolo – Leonardo Divisione Velivoli
        • Esposito Rita – IIS Giulio Natta
        • Liardi Filippo Cosma – I.T.I.S. Giacomo Fauser
        • Rosi Riccardo – Unione Industriale Torino
        • Dalla Rosa Marco – Associazione Industriali Di Novara
        • Guglieri Giorgio
        • Azzara’ Barbara – Citta’ Metropolitana Di Torino
        • Crivelli Andrea – Provincia Di Novara
        • Daniele Claudio – Enaip Piemonte
        • Giulio Genti – Immaginazione E Lavoro
        • Vallero Carlo – Associazione Cnos-Fap Regione Piemonte
        • Anna Menozzi (17/03/2021) – “Universita’ Degli Studi Del Piemonte Orientale – “”Amedeo Avogadro””Dipartimento Di Studi Per L’economia E L’impresa”
        • Cortese Paolo – I.I.S. G. Vallauri
        • Dondo Paolo – M.E.S.A.P.
        • Occhetta Aldo – Revisore Conti
        Executive Board
        • Serra Stefano – Amma
        • Iotti Pierpaolo – Leonardo Divisione Velivoli
        • Esposito Rita – Iis Giulio Natta (Scuola Di Riferimento Della Fondazione)
        • Monica Tarchi – Città Metropolitana Di Torino
        • Rossitti Giovanni – Associazione Industriali Di Novara
        • Daniele Claudio – Enaip Piemonte – Rappresentanza Agenzie Formative
        • Pilone Sigfrido – Segreteria Its
        • Liardi Filippo Cosma – I.T.I.S. Giacomo Fauser
        • Messidoro Piero – Presidente Cts
        • Occhetta Aldo – Revisore Conti
        Technical-scientific committee
        • Ing. Messidoro Piero – Presidente CTS
        • Ing. Giachino Daniela – Leonardo Company
        • Ing. Piviotti Claudio – Assocam Scuola Camerana
        • Ing. Furxhi Mario Guido – Fidia Spa
        • Ing. Dondo Paolo – Mesap
        • Cerutti Antonio – ENAIP Piemonte
        • Ing. Lobascio Cesare – Thales Alenia Space
        • Prof. Iuliano Luca – Politecnico Torino

        Occhetta Aldo – Revisore Conti

        Enti collaboratori Fondazione ITS

        Contact us

        Via Braccini, 17, 10141 Torino

        011 3828476


        © 2022 ITS - Mobilità sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica Piemonte.
        PEC: | C.F: 97734420017 | All rights reserved.