2022 survey on training needs of companies

The new 2022 survey is available, which integrates some new tendencies which require an impact assessment.

The survey is aimed at gathering the training needs of companies that operate in the area of mechatronics and aerospace and of logistics and transports, starting from the activity areas present in the working.

The survey collects information both on new professional figures and on the needs of requalification of active workforce.

In the first 10 years of activity we collaborated with over 450 companies of national and international levels.
The tight synergy with the industrial fabric is one of the distinctive aspects of ITS and for us it represents a winning card to capitalize on, to support the future competitiveness of our region and of the whole of Italy.

We promote a constant exchange with production realities, starting form important companies that are part of the founding members of the Fondazione ITS per la Mobilità sostenibile, Meccatronica e Aerospazio. This means a fertile transfer of skills and experiences and a channel for direct comparison with the work world.

the companies which collaborated with ITS

the companies which currently collaborate

maximum of young people per course

Partnership with companies: experience, not theory.

Our business partners collaborate directly with us for defining and managing the academic activities.

Course planning

  • Planning of the courses
  • Advice and Technical monitoring
  • Construction of Main Areas of interest
  • Monitoring of course progress

Cooperation in activities

  • Provision of teachers and know-how
  • Supplying of equipment and laboratories
  • Co-financing of activities
  • Joint projects

Matching & Recruitment

  • Welcoming in the internship
  • Job placement

The benefits of ITS



Over 80% of our teachers are from companies: qualified people, with appropriate knowledge. Advanced partners, capable of stimulating, inducing, amplifying.

Scientific Technical Committee

People with a view from the top and an international scope, able to give elements to identify professional profiles ‘of present and future’ and to define governance of our courses.

Technological Mentors

Staff with strong technologic skills who is responsible of dialoguing with all project stakeholders to contribute to the definition and management of contents of an effective and innovative education. Thanks to its experience and specific Know How it is guarantee of coherence on learning content with technological state of the art and with branches resulting from specific needs of companies.

Godmother Companies

Each course has its own godmother Company, which is a company that guarantees access to technology including through the use of their laboratories and the support of technicians who accompany teachers on particularly specialistic and field related contents (or for the development of Project).

The advantages for companies

Experimentation of innovative technologies and processes

Our laboratories can host the activities of companies that can collaborate with us to develop new processes and solutions, coherently with the statutory objective of supporting innovation and technological transfer to SME.

Definition of specific educational ‘branches’

Every year companies have the opportunity to participate to a survey aimed at gathering information on the training needs of companies which operate in the mechatronic, aerospace and logistics and transports fields. The results are used to detect the real needs of the industry and to study courses that are most appropriate to train professionals who are able to meet them.

Direct contact channel with future professionals

Companies can host students for internship or AAF thus acquiring a direct and extremely effective recruiting.

Continuous exchange: from company to ITS..

    • Requirement reports for

    • job placement
    • supplementary proposals
    • provision of teachers and experiential services
    • training/employment

    ..and from ITS to company

    • Support and partnerships for ITA-EU projects
    • Corporate social responsibility
    • Transfer of technological Know how
    • Matching & recruiting
    Enti collaboratori Fondazione ITS

    Contact us

    Via Braccini, 17, 10141 Torino

    011 3828476


    © 2022 ITS - Mobilità sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica Piemonte.
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