Discover the Higher Technical Institute.

Our distinguishing features


the employment rate at the end of the two-year period in an area that’s coherent with the study course

collaboration with the MESAP Innovation Pole (Analysis of needs, focus with companies, technology seminars, dissemination of results)

Availability of “modular” laboratories equipped with industrial facilities and equipment for the acquisition of specific technical skills in the Electronic, Computer Science, Mechanic and Automation fields

learning attained through experimentation of situations, duties and roles faced even in complex environments

A place where things happen

We act as forerunners of the necessary skills for the future of industrial production.

With us students, companies, and professionals learn, experiment and work concretely side by side to build the technical and professional foundations of innovation.

We try and give talents who are able to tackle change and support the backbone of the Piedmont manufacturing backbone with particular attention to SME. With our courses we set off the young graduates through a promising professional course in the fields of mechatronics and aerospace and of productive processes management.

Our approach aims to give young people the proper technical and human skills to insert themselves with professionality in the modern competitive scenario. This is why we develop interdisciplinary skills and we educate to inclusion, correspondence, to distance, to exchange.

We are aware of our social role: the way in which we ‘teach’ today will be the language and relationship that will be returned to us from who in few years will organize our economy, society, politics, future, ties.
We promote a new youth entrepreneurship with a deep specialist culture and a broad horizon in skills.

A place where future is born

A place where future is born

We try and give talents who are able to tackle change and support the backbone of the Piedmont manufacturing backbone with particular attention to SME. With our courses we set off the young graduates through a promising professional course in the fields of mechatronics and aerospace and of productive processes management.

Our approach aims to give young people the proper technical and human skills to insert themselves with professionality in the modern competitive scenario. This is why we develop interdisciplinary skills and we educate to inclusion, correspondence, to distance, to exchange.

We are aware of our social role: the way in which we ‘teach’ today will be the language and relationship that will be returned to us from who in few years will organize our economy, society, politics, future, ties.
We promote a new youth entrepreneurship with a deep specialist culture and a broad horizon in skills.

A place where skills are anticipated

Among our cornerstones there is the constant exchange between production companies, starting from the important companies in the field that we can boast as part of founding members.

Through their contribution we gather the signals from the market and production companies and we give young people the appropriate technical and human skills to insert themselves with success in today’s competitive scenario. This means a fertile transfer of knowledge and experiences and an immediate connection between people and companies.

Enti collaboratori Fondazione ITS

Contact us

Via Braccini, 17, 10141 Torino

011 3828476



© 2022 ITS - Mobilità sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica Piemonte.
PEC: its-aerospazio-meccatronica@pecsoci.ui.torino.it | C.F: 97734420017 | All rights reserved.