of employment at the end of the course
technological areas
training courses
A launch pad.
In an accelerated straight motion towards your future.
With its courses, ITS Mobilità sostenibile – Aerospace/Mechatronics gives you the right initial boost: the one which throws you towards a promising professional course in the field of mechatronics and automation, of aerospace and of manufacturing process management.
Let Edoardo Mecca guide you to discover our ITS.
The courses are made by Fondazione ITS Mobilità sostenibile – Aerospace/Mechatronics through the Piedmont Region and financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) with the contribute of Ministry of Education.
Our courses can be accessed to with a secondary school diploma, after passing the selections. Our students will be able to obtain a Higher Technical Degree with certification in skills which correspond with level V of the European Qualification Framework. The title is recognized on a national and European scale.
Highly specialized technicians, with skills in mechanic, electronic and industrial automation fields.
Automation and innovation of processes and mechanical products experts, with skills that extend to electrical engineering and computer science.
Design, management, and support to production processes in the aerospace field and in the technologies for mobility of people and goods.
Design and implementation of commercial and marketing strategies for companies active in the industrial/B2B markets at national and international level.
IT’S OPEN 2023
Visit the Labs of Fondazione ITS for Sustainable Mobility AEROSPACE/MECHATRONICS
in Via Braccini, 17 TORINO
Every year we run out of 100% of available places
Reserve now one of the proposed dates!
In continuous osmosis.
The Fondazione has a constant exchange with productive companies, starting from important companies in the field which it can boast among its founding members. This allows for a fertile transfer of skills and experiences and the development of educational curves marked by skills aligned with the real and current needs of the working world.
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© 2022 ITS - Mobilità sostenibile Aerospazio/Meccatronica Piemonte.
PEC: its-aerospazio-meccatronica@pecsoci.ui.torino.it | C.F: 97734420017 | All rights reserved.